Pronounced how it is spelt by the way. I like that word. Wooshkalabush. :)
Anyway, i haven't blogged in a while...and i don't relly know why that is. Mainly becuase i have nothing to blog about. But now, all in the space of a few days, several things have arose that are worth blogging about. And one special event, which i will mention in myn next post :)
But i have shocking news for you all.
Today, in my shockingly boring history double period, i made a freind :)
And his name was Theodore. Named after a Jewish person who was involved in something about Zionism. And i don't have a clue what that is either. But this freind was a peculiar spider. A small black spider, that was extremely fast, and somehow managed to jump.......
But as me and Theodore grew closer, during the hour we knew each other, an evil boy named Krishna doomed theodore's life forever. He visciously threw his daybook at my little friend, crushing it's back leg.
However my little friend survived that attempt on his small life. However, five minutes later, he recieved a crushing blow to his head, turning out to be fatal :'(
After giving him a funeral, he was flicked off the table, in to the unknown.
The only remeberance i have of my little friend is this note.

Theodore Frederic Wiston Chillston Murdered By Krishnan.
That is now it's name. So tonight whilst you got to bed, i hope that you are all thinking of my little friend, and how his life was tragically cut short by Krishna.
More posts to come soon. About the queen ;)
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