Tuesday 29 September 2009

Dead end street ♪♪♪

People live on dead end street.
Dead end!
People are dying on dead end street.
Dead end!
Gonna die on dead end street.

That my friends, is what we call a song. And a brilliant song at that. In fact its such a good song, that it is going to be my song of the week :)

But don't you think its funny how much music influences our lives? Think about it, music is everywhere; i personally always have a song in my head. And i mean always. Even whilst trying to sleep. And clearly, that fabulous Kinks song is currently in my head.

And isn't it strange how some sogns just seem to be telling the story of life sometimes? Or how we can become so attached to songs? Or even how some of the greatest moments and memories of our lives are based around music? Certain lyrics just seem to connect with your emotions, and feel like they are particularly relevant to you. Amazing how music can do things like that. 

But music is everywhere, and life wouldn't be the same without music. Who could live without the blissfullness of 'Waterloo Sunset' by the Kinks or the feel good 'Good vibations' by the great Beach Boys???

I definitely couldn't, and thank god i don't :) 

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