Thursday 13 August 2009

Tweedle-dum Tweedle-doo.


Did you know that 'Hello' is a binary opposite. These are two words, which if we did not have the other, we would not know what one means. For example; we wouldn't know what 'Yes' meant if we didn't know or have the word 'No'. This means they are binary opposites.

So. I didn't know what to write about, so i called this post 'Tweedle-dum Tweedle-doo', therefore it didn't have a particular topic. So i could just waffle on about anything random, like i am now :)

This will probably be the last post i write before i go on holiday. that's a shame, but i cannot wait until my holiday! I'm going to New York! How amazingly lucky! So what i'm most looking forward to when i get there is the food! All that sugar, and all those calories! I'm going to be in heaven!

I love food. And i eat so much crap, but i don't get any heavier. In fact, I'm really light compared to most of my friends, girls included. Even though i don't stop eating. Oh! I just thought of something! In New York they are going to have New York cheesecake! I love that cheese cake!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!

Sooo. You probably don't care about this, but I'll tell you any way. Right now I'm listening to The Maccabees. In particular 'Love you better'. The Maccabees are kind of my favourite band at the moment, not overall, here is a list, but it's not definite;

1.Oasis or The Kinks
2.Foals or Friendly Fires
3.Kings of Leon or Kasabian
4.Muse or The Maccabees or The Killers

See what i mean about it not being definite?

But alas, i must say goodbye. I hope you are enjoying your holidays and the summer sunshine. My next post won't probably won't be until September starts.

So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, adieu.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Some interesting facts,

Hey, it's Mercutio.

So. I'm sort of running out of idea's about what to post within this blog. Sorry. This will probably have the consequence of the posts being infrequent. So i am sort of apologizing in advance.

Anyway, some interesting facts for you, straight from .

Interesting fact number one.

In the country of wales, there lies a village called: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
That's 58 letters. Pretty long, the longest single word domain in the world.

Interesting fact number two.

Some weird person managed to work out that men are actually SIX times more likely be struck by lightning then women. How strange. Probably because men are generally larger then women, still weird though. I feel scared now. Aha, but this doesn't count towards me, because I'm a small boy :)

Final interesting fact,

How cool is this? When a window or glass is smashed, usually by some stupid chav, the crack will move and spread at a rate of 3,000 mile per hour! That's faster than the speed of light. actually i don't know whether it is. Hmmm. Now i doubt the reliability of these facts.

Until next time.

Friends! =]


Just a quick post about friends. Straight forward. Simple. And honest.

Friend’s are those select people you cannot live without. They are people who you can trust, talk to, and share things with. Friend’s very rarely get in arguments and when they do, they should sort it out the same day.

If you would not consider someone to be any of the descriptions above, they are not your friend.

Best friends are those one or two people who you could trust with your life. You should also be able to tell them everything and nothing should be kept from them. If all of these do not fit, you’re not genuine best mates.

Basically, people should not be able to live without friends. Friends are amazing and they are needed.

Don’t have anyone you would class as a friend or best friend?
I’m sorry. But GET OUT MORE
They are needed for life. Some support does the world of good.


Bye =]

Monday 10 August 2009

Random stuff.

Hi, Mercutio here again, just with some random thoughts.

Earlier my good friend Bartholomew wrote a post about fashion, and i'm not sure whether this post was accurate or not, as i know nothing about fashion. But my sister is doing a fashion journalism course at uni, and she mentioned she had a blog. And i find it quite interesting, as i do not know much about fashion, and her blog is fashion based.

So if you want to check it out, which i recommend you do here it is:

Hopefully you will enjoy reading it.

Anyways time for another rant i think.

So, private education. I disagree with it. I'm not saying that i wouldn't go to a private school if i had the chance, well if i had the chance at the beginning of secondary school, but i find private education very annoying. The educational system is completely biased towards people with a considerable amount of wealth! Anyone who has the money, has the chance to give their child an unfair advantage of a better start in life. Private schools have better facilities, better teachers, smaller classes which make them better and more money. Why is it that clever students who don't have as much money as others, have to go to a worse school, where their talent or intelligence may not be achieved, whereas it would be in a private school? To be honest, it makes me angry that this is allowed to happen.

Anyway, i shall not waffle on too much.

Au revoir.

Saturday 8 August 2009



It's Mercutio.

Before my inner geek starts talking about books, can i just say how cool a name 'Mercutio' is? It's such a cool name. It's intriguing, and unusual. I wish it was my real name. Could i get it changed? Is that legally allowed? I'm sure it is. Another thing to do before i die.

Anyways, lets talk about books. I stopped reading books as much a couple of months ago. I don't know why. I think it was probably because i was going to bed later than usual, therefore didn't have as much time to read. But anyway, i have started reading again. I just love reading. It lets you forget about any problems you may or may not have, and take off into a different world. I especially love it when you find a book which you just cannot put down. Sometimes when I'm reading a really good book, i wish time would just stop, so i could sit there and read and read and read, all day and all of the night.

So recently i have been reading lots of Nick Hornby. And his books tend to stick to more of a style that is blunt and complete reality. So far i have read 'Long way down' and 'Slam!'. Both were very interesting, very compelling reads. One was about the reality of teenage pregnancy and the other about suicidal feelings. But despite both having a good story line, and being very well written, they were both anti-climaxes. I mean, the endings were just about satisfying enough, but neither had a real punch-line, or a real kick at the end of it. In a way, despite having completely different storyline, you could say that they ended in the same sort of way as each other, in the same sort of style. In my opinion, 'A long way down' was the better of the two, as it was interesting, different and very thought provoking. But next i am going to read 'About a boy', probably his most famous novel, seeming as it has been made into a successful film. Hopefully this won't be an anti climax like the previous two i read.

But the Harry Potter series are my favourite books, as they are superbly written, and wonderfully imaginative. But i shall leave you with that thought. Hasta luego.



Its Mercutio.

Friends are incredibly important. They are the people that make our lives worth living, along with family. If we do not have friends, then what do we have? Friends are the people who support us, trust us and love us. They provide the support we need when going through upsetting and troublesome times. Without friends, these times would be much darker and lonesome.

But what sorts out the real friends from the fake friends. The fake friends is defined as, by urban dictionary; 'A person who talks about you behind your back, and tries to be your friend upfront. A person who is incredibly fake,especially when it comes to being a friend and being there for you.'

So a fake friend would be someone who doesn't support you when you need it most; talks about you behind your back; and is only your friend when they want to be. But what sorts out fake friends from real friends is the troublesome times that we all go through in life. A real friend will stand by you.

So throughout life you should always have friends, and be a real friend towards these people.

And in the unwise word's of Neil from The Inbetweeners 'Muff before Mates', but the wise word's of all the chav's and gamgsta's out there 'Bro's before Hoes'. A slightly derogatory term, however you get the general point of it, don't dump your friends for a girl/boy friend. And yes i did write this whilst watching 'Friends' and having just watched 'The Inbetweeners'. I love those shows :) Anyways in those wise words i shall leave you.

Wednesday 5 August 2009


Yo, its Mr.Mercutio.

Hehe, that rhymes :)

Cricket. What a strange game. I love to both play and watch cricket, and i am currently watching Hampshire vs. Yorkshire, with Yorkshire 233 all out, and Hampshire 39-0. Hampshire seem to be doing well, so hopefully they will win.

So cricket, it's a great sport, and despite the enjoyment i gain from playing it, i must say it's a very tedious game. Not just because of the stop-start sort of effect it has, but because over how much cricket player's are wusses. I mean the tiny of bit's of rain, and BLAM the players run off, the covers come on and they don't play another ball. How stupid? Why can't they just play a little in the rain? I mean, i play hockey, and we literally play in any weather. Whether it's freezing cold, or pelting it down with hailstones, we still played! So it angers me when they don't play if the conditions aren't perfect.

But the people who must get most annoyed-Whoop SIX, sorry watching cricket, a fine shot i must say,- But the people who we should feel sorry for is the people who pay fifty pounds to watch one day of a test match, then have the whole day cancelled due to a tiny bit of rain. I mean, how would you feel if you spent all the money, then arrived at the rose bowl or where ever, and the smallest bit of rain cancels a whole day of test cricket?

OH! What a match! Came right down to the last ball. Hampshire managed to win after a nail biting last five overs.

Anyway, read the blog. Now. :)

Tuesday 4 August 2009


Hey. It's Mercutio.

Have you heard any of Muse's new stuff? Well here it is straight from their new album 'The resistance': 'United states of eurasia' 'Uprising'

In my opinion, it's no where near as good as any of their older stuff. Compared to 'Absolution' or 'Black holes and revelations' its not good. After all the hype of 'United states of Eurasia' it just sounds like a tacky rip-off of Queens classic 'Bohemian Raphsody'. And after different parts of the song bieng hidden on usb's in six different cities in different counstry's, its a big let down. However i believe that we can't really judge the whole new album those two songs. I'm not saying there complete rubbish, but it's sounding like Muse are breaking away from their classic style, into a new, strange style.

So i'm hoping that the album doesn't follow the line of these two tracks too closely, otherwise we may find ourselves losing the classic Muse sound we love. However despite this, i will probably end up loving the new songs and the new album.

Au revoir.

Sunday 2 August 2009

Harry potter.

Hey. Mercutio, here again.

So i thought i would take this opportunity to say how much i love the series of novels 'Harry Potter'. They are a cracking bunch of novels. Superbly written by J.K. Rowling, made into good movies, which are no where near as good as the books, as usual.

But the other day my friend said that 'J.K. Rowling can't write for ***t'. And this friend is a keen reader,, so when he said this, it shocked and angered me to the core. If J.K. Rowling cannot write for 'S***' Then why has every single one of her books sold millions of copies worldwide, been translated into over forty different languages and topped all the best sellers charts worldwide? But he is also writing a novel. I read just a random peice he'd written during tutor, and to be honest, it was okay, good for anything written our age, but to be honest, it had too much description, and just seemed as if he was trying too hard. So he can't really judge whether a book is good or not.

Anyways must dash, so have a nice day :)

Attention seeking.

Why hello. It's Mercutio, with another silly, pointless rant.

So. Attention seeking. It is the simple demand for attention. It's a very annoying habit some people have. Whether it's intentional or not, it still annoys me incredibly. It's unnecessary. Several of my friends can be attention seeking.

It's like why do you need the attention? Are you a deprived child? Do you get no love, no attention, from your parents?

But the most annoying attention seeking habit; when people say they 'Want to die'. Sure if they have a good enough reason, but a reason that actually has a point behind it, and is not just stupid, they can say it. But when one of your friends says it, it is the most annoying thing ever. One of my friends was in a bit of a mess with his girlfriend. So he kept saying to me 'I want to die'. It annoyed me so much. To be honest, they really need to shut up. They don't have a decent enough reason to 'Want to die'. It's like saying 'No-one in my life gives me a good enough reason to live'. It's pathetic and incredibly attention seeking. Anyone who says this without good enough reason should be ashamed.

Anyway i will be off now.

Saturday 1 August 2009

Random thoughts.

Soo......It's mercutio......with some random thoughts......

Do you ever wake with a song in your head??? The other day i woke up, and within two minutes 'Eye of the tiger' was in my head. But the weird thing is, i haven't heard it for months, so to wake up and straight away start singing it felt pretty weird....Oh and i have to say, a good friend of mine, called spud, did give me inspiration for this litlle thought.

This morning i woke up with 'Apply some pressure' By Maximo Park. a pretty awesome song to have stuck in your head, so i am now listening to Maximo Park, one of my favourite bands.

But the other night it was really strange. The other day, i went round my friend's house, and they wanted to watch Chicago, and seeming as I've never seen it before, i thought that we might as well. After sitting through it, my two friends singing along, and me wondering what was going on, i realised i had thoroughly enjoyed it. But i after i left in the evening, when i went to sleep that night, i had the same line playing over and over in my head. 'They had it coming.....They had it coming' Was just playing over and over in my head, that same line repeated a thousand times. I didn't sleep too well that night. But i did have a good day :)

Umm....another random thought......

Grrrr. Like most of my good friends are going away this weekend. That sucks. Just leaves me, my long lost brother and my twin sister i think. Not that i don't love my long lost brother and twin sister it's just better when all of your friends are around. So i am quite annoyed that several of my friends are going away. Of course, I'm glad they are going to have a nice holiday, but it's still frustrating.

Last random thought.

A couple weeks ago, i couldn't spell friends. But through repeatedly writing about one of my favourite bands 'Friendly Fires' i can actually spell it now. Wait. That's such a stupid thought. And honestly, who cares about me being able to spell? Christ. Sorry.

Actual last random thought.

In case you don't know, a brand new 'Hollister' stores has opened up in our hometown big shopping centre, west quay. And the shop is quite expensive, however the quality of the fabric is very good, making it soft. But the actual shop is ridiculous. They only have dim lighting. It's stupid. You can't see very well, walk into things and say if your carrying a handbag, when it comes to find your purse/wallet, the stupid lighting makes it very difficult. The lighting is disorientating and silly. Now our store is only small, however they may be opening a huge one in New York. Imagine that dim, disorientating lighting, in two huge floors of Hollister. How easy would it be to get lost? Christ, i feel sorry for anyone who walks into that big Hollister store. And another thing about Hollister. This is quite funny. You know that actually pay model's to stand there and say 'Heya, how are you doing?'. And the other day i was paying for something at the till, and my mum said something, and the guy didn't respond. It's like they are stuck to a script. Or robot's.

I shall leave my silly, pointless thoughts there.