Saturday 1 August 2009

Random thoughts.

Soo......It's mercutio......with some random thoughts......

Do you ever wake with a song in your head??? The other day i woke up, and within two minutes 'Eye of the tiger' was in my head. But the weird thing is, i haven't heard it for months, so to wake up and straight away start singing it felt pretty weird....Oh and i have to say, a good friend of mine, called spud, did give me inspiration for this litlle thought.

This morning i woke up with 'Apply some pressure' By Maximo Park. a pretty awesome song to have stuck in your head, so i am now listening to Maximo Park, one of my favourite bands.

But the other night it was really strange. The other day, i went round my friend's house, and they wanted to watch Chicago, and seeming as I've never seen it before, i thought that we might as well. After sitting through it, my two friends singing along, and me wondering what was going on, i realised i had thoroughly enjoyed it. But i after i left in the evening, when i went to sleep that night, i had the same line playing over and over in my head. 'They had it coming.....They had it coming' Was just playing over and over in my head, that same line repeated a thousand times. I didn't sleep too well that night. But i did have a good day :)

Umm....another random thought......

Grrrr. Like most of my good friends are going away this weekend. That sucks. Just leaves me, my long lost brother and my twin sister i think. Not that i don't love my long lost brother and twin sister it's just better when all of your friends are around. So i am quite annoyed that several of my friends are going away. Of course, I'm glad they are going to have a nice holiday, but it's still frustrating.

Last random thought.

A couple weeks ago, i couldn't spell friends. But through repeatedly writing about one of my favourite bands 'Friendly Fires' i can actually spell it now. Wait. That's such a stupid thought. And honestly, who cares about me being able to spell? Christ. Sorry.

Actual last random thought.

In case you don't know, a brand new 'Hollister' stores has opened up in our hometown big shopping centre, west quay. And the shop is quite expensive, however the quality of the fabric is very good, making it soft. But the actual shop is ridiculous. They only have dim lighting. It's stupid. You can't see very well, walk into things and say if your carrying a handbag, when it comes to find your purse/wallet, the stupid lighting makes it very difficult. The lighting is disorientating and silly. Now our store is only small, however they may be opening a huge one in New York. Imagine that dim, disorientating lighting, in two huge floors of Hollister. How easy would it be to get lost? Christ, i feel sorry for anyone who walks into that big Hollister store. And another thing about Hollister. This is quite funny. You know that actually pay model's to stand there and say 'Heya, how are you doing?'. And the other day i was paying for something at the till, and my mum said something, and the guy didn't respond. It's like they are stuck to a script. Or robot's.

I shall leave my silly, pointless thoughts there.


  1. I agree, holidays suckkk. Whats annoying is that our MOTHER and our pregnant auntie didn't even tell me they were going away! Oh well, i guess Bartholomew (our pervyy uncle) will be back soon. :) see ya soon my love :D xxx

  2. Dear "mercutio" my dear friend
    i just wanted to leave you a note of agreement to your tooughts on hollister. Yes the shop is nice and the clothes are too but what the puck is going on with the lighting in that place, i think that they didnt have enough money to iinstall lights and went oh well. That will do. I also like it how you wrote about mine which therfore leads me to the conclusion you either enjoyed it or hated it. Otherwise you wouldnt have rememebered it. After perusing your blog i have noticed that approximatley 65.6 % of your blog is either you complaining or talking about bands. I think this is rather funny as it makes you sound like some 40 year old divorced loner sat on his own in his flat, and sour because he just lost his job for being to gitty. So well done on the blog front and good luck ;)
    Robin xx
