Sunday 2 August 2009

Harry potter.

Hey. Mercutio, here again.

So i thought i would take this opportunity to say how much i love the series of novels 'Harry Potter'. They are a cracking bunch of novels. Superbly written by J.K. Rowling, made into good movies, which are no where near as good as the books, as usual.

But the other day my friend said that 'J.K. Rowling can't write for ***t'. And this friend is a keen reader,, so when he said this, it shocked and angered me to the core. If J.K. Rowling cannot write for 'S***' Then why has every single one of her books sold millions of copies worldwide, been translated into over forty different languages and topped all the best sellers charts worldwide? But he is also writing a novel. I read just a random peice he'd written during tutor, and to be honest, it was okay, good for anything written our age, but to be honest, it had too much description, and just seemed as if he was trying too hard. So he can't really judge whether a book is good or not.

Anyways must dash, so have a nice day :)

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