Tuesday 11 August 2009

Friends! =]


Just a quick post about friends. Straight forward. Simple. And honest.

Friend’s are those select people you cannot live without. They are people who you can trust, talk to, and share things with. Friend’s very rarely get in arguments and when they do, they should sort it out the same day.

If you would not consider someone to be any of the descriptions above, they are not your friend.

Best friends are those one or two people who you could trust with your life. You should also be able to tell them everything and nothing should be kept from them. If all of these do not fit, you’re not genuine best mates.

Basically, people should not be able to live without friends. Friends are amazing and they are needed.

Don’t have anyone you would class as a friend or best friend?
I’m sorry. But GET OUT MORE
They are needed for life. Some support does the world of good.


Bye =]

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