Wednesday, 14 October 2009
I know i promised a blog about the queen, but i'm in a musical mood, so i thought i might aswell post something about music :)
Okay, here are ten of the songs i'm into at the moment:
1. I'm A Realist by The Cribs
2. Stellify by Ian Brown
3. Ignorance by Paramore
4. Love Spreads by The Stone Roses
5. Dominos by The Big Pink
6. Astronauts & All by Foals (Who are Amazing)
7. Kingdom Of Rust by Doves
8. Fluorescent Adolescent by Arctic Monkeys
9. Old Yellow Bricks by Arctic Monkeys
10. Fuck Forever by Babyshambles
Actually one more :)
11. 505 by Arctic Monkeys
All spotify links by the way.....Maybe youtube links would be more helpful.....Ahh well :P
But nowww, for my current favourite album, note that this is not my favourite album ever, just one i really like at the moment, anyway, drumroll please..........................
Favourite Worst Nightmare by Arctic Monkeys
Which, obviously, i am currently listening to :)
But, just in case you ever wanted my playlist, here it is, well my spotify one anyway :)
Oh and in case you don't have a clue what Spotify is, download it. Right now. Best computer program ever. Potentially.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Pronounced how it is spelt by the way. I like that word. Wooshkalabush. :)
Anyway, i haven't blogged in a while...and i don't relly know why that is. Mainly becuase i have nothing to blog about. But now, all in the space of a few days, several things have arose that are worth blogging about. And one special event, which i will mention in myn next post :)
But i have shocking news for you all.
Today, in my shockingly boring history double period, i made a freind :)
And his name was Theodore. Named after a Jewish person who was involved in something about Zionism. And i don't have a clue what that is either. But this freind was a peculiar spider. A small black spider, that was extremely fast, and somehow managed to jump.......
But as me and Theodore grew closer, during the hour we knew each other, an evil boy named Krishna doomed theodore's life forever. He visciously threw his daybook at my little friend, crushing it's back leg.
However my little friend survived that attempt on his small life. However, five minutes later, he recieved a crushing blow to his head, turning out to be fatal :'(
After giving him a funeral, he was flicked off the table, in to the unknown.
The only remeberance i have of my little friend is this note.

Theodore Frederic Wiston Chillston Murdered By Krishnan.
That is now it's name. So tonight whilst you got to bed, i hope that you are all thinking of my little friend, and how his life was tragically cut short by Krishna.
More posts to come soon. About the queen ;)
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Dead end street ♪♪♪
Dead end!
People are dying on dead end street.
Gonna die on dead end street.
And isn't it strange how some sogns just seem to be telling the story of life sometimes? Or how we can become so attached to songs? Or even how some of the greatest moments and memories of our lives are based around music? Certain lyrics just seem to connect with your emotions, and feel like they are particularly relevant to you. Amazing how music can do things like that.
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Naive ♪♪
Anyways, that was totally not what I had planned for this post, but it started blaring out of the computer and, yeah it's amazing so I just felt the urge to write :)
God, i'm bloody knackered. But by Sunday i think my legs will have fallen off. So far this week I have walked a fair bit, had two football games (which I put a lot of effort into) and a golf lesson. I know that doesn't seem like much, but the football game included about a hour and half of walking. But by Sunday i will have walked over 26 kilometres, and had hockey training plus badminton. Over all thats what like.......over 20 hours of exercise!!! Just in one week! I'm going to be exhausted come Sunday :( And I don't even need to lose the weight; i'm lighter than my twin ;)
But that leads quite neatly onto my main point. Following in my footsteps, sorry our footsteps, a very good friend of mine, who is my twin, just to let you know, and a big fat red bird have also created a blog. (Not being dis-respectful there, her name is Robin) Although it's not a touch on our splendid blog, i guess it is worth a read. Just about. So here is the link : Momby and the Rockin Robin - The "rebellious" days!
So take a look, notice how ours is so much better, and keep reading :) x
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Smokers cough.
It's a terrible thing. Stupid, Selfish and Poisonous. Also incredibly stupid. This is another rant. Yes another dull, biased, stupid rant.
But seriously, what are the advantages of smoking? It tastes nice? Chocolate tastes nice. Go eat some chocolate. It's even healthy in small amounts. So the pros and cons of smoking. Let's list the pro's:
1. It suppossedly tastes nice.
2. Relieves stress.
3. Suppresses appetite.
But the best one;
4. It's cool.
But the fact that it tastes nice does not justify smoking. And relieves stress. If your under so much stress that you can't cope, you should get therapy or something. Not mindlessly smoke. And who wants to supress thier appetite? If your otherweight, you lose weight, not starve yourself. And lastly, 'It's cool'. Thats so stupid it's funny. It actually makes me laugh to think of it in that way. What's cool about smoking???
Now the cons of smoking;
- Stained teeth.
- Stained hands.
- Smell like smoke.
- Poison your lungs.
- Poison your blood.
- Poison your brain.
- Poison your family.
- Poison those around you, including animals.
- Makes you lose money.
- Gives you a permanent 'Smokers cough'.
- Stops you breathing properly.
- Unhealthy skin.
- Shortens life.
- Increased chances of lung cancer.
- Kills you.
So really anyone who smokes is an idiot, who must be incredibly stupid. There are no true advantages to smoking. Don't smoke. Don't kill yourself. Don't kill those around you.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Here comes the sun...♪
By the way most of the posts are me, Mercutio, as Bartholomew has sadly passed away.
BeatleMania is back!
All 13 Beatles albums are being re-issued, with the sound having been wonderfully cleared up! Or, as they like to call it 're-mastered'! From the album 'Please Please Me' To 'The Beatles' Also known as 'The White Album', they have all been re-released. So along with The Beatles rock band and appearing on the cover of every music cover, how does Sir Paul McCartney himself feel about it?
NME asked McCartney about his view on the old days;
'I'm very happy with The Beatles' output. That's probably an understatement. I think we were a pretty hot band, really.'So what is the aim behind 're-mastering' the legendary albums? He said that their aim was to introduce The Beatles' revolutionary music back to the world, and get younger generations listening to it. And with the help of The Beatles' Rock Band game, They are certainly doing that. Another advantage of the Rock Band game, is that the music can now be downloaded, whereas before, they had several issues with downloading The Beatles' music.
In fact, The most recent issue of NME has been completely dedicated to the great band, With their being 12 different covers of the magazine released world-wide, each an iconic picture of one of the album's. My issue has the famous 'Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band' picture on it. And exclusive online, you can buy a very limited 13th cover. The guys at NME have also decided to re-review every album.
So overall, The Beatle's are taking over again, through the work of re-releases, a video game, and not only NME providing 32 pages for them, through appearing on the cover of several other magazines. Rock on BeatleMania!
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Am i Twi-Guy?
For those of you who aren't twilight fans, you are goons, so go away. Right now. Go watch some serious and boring spy film. But seriously, considering that the book is not rubbish, but not the best, they seem to have made the film look spectacular! The newest trailer for New Moon looks really amazing, like they have managed to capture the theme of the film perfectly, and portay it in such a...enchanting way. So here is thew link for it, if you don't watch it or haven't seen the trailer, you haven't lived!!!Click here for the New Moon trailer :)
Aha, so hopefully you have watched it's amazingness! I seriously cannot wait for this movie! The thought of Rob Pattinson half naked on such a large screen.........sorry, i drifted away there for a minute :) But seriously, this movie looks amazing. I think that the thought of that image will be the only thing keeping me going through school :P That and the thought of not having to get up at seven at half term.
How funny that just as i go to post this, Bella's theme comes on in my playlist! It's probably fate telling me that twilight is amazing. Aha, so you should really listen to this whilst listening to Bella's theme :)
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Autumn Almanac ♪
My sister has been reading the blog, and has now told me i need to carry on with the blog...But what should i write about? Ummmm. The weather! Haha, what a cliche.
But seriously, I'm talking about the weather. So, i get back from my holiday, and it's the typical English weather. Dull and drizzly. But this was nice, in a way, because when i went to America, we managed to go in one of the hottest weeks in the summer, so it was quite refreshing in a way. However, it's still rather depressing to come home to a boring, wet England. And also, the last two weeks of the summer holidays, were pretty crap also, in terms of weather. So it was so annoying that when we go back to school it was really nice weather! The sun was out, and it just looked like a nice day. How frustrating.
Speaking of school, I'm in year 10, so i have now started GCSE's in all my subjects. I had already started GCSE in English, Maths, Science and History. And finished R.S. and Citizenship short course. But i think it's really starting to hit how serious these next two years are gonna be. But then again, maybe that's just an effect of the fact that we got an ESSAY the first day back! And for my options, i chose Spanish and Geography. And we were FORCED to do history a year early. But why, oh why did i choose geography? It's the DULLEST thing ever! My class is rubbish! I nearly fell asleep! God, what was i thinking???
Anyways. If you want to air your views about geography and GCSE's in general, feel free to comment :) Goodbye.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Hey again.
So today right. We get our exam results. And i'm not so nervous before we get them. But then we recieve them, read them, and for some reason, i'm more nervous than before. That doesn't make sense. But i think that may be because your nervous about telling people. But you know when you've done good in something, you really don't want to boast, but then there's always that little part of that really wants to tell people, for your achievment to be recognised.
Anyways. Oasis! They have split! Absolute tragedy! Or have they split? That is the question. Because the Galaggher brothers are pretty infamous for their arguments. And after every argument they seem to make it up. But this makes you wonder, have they really split? Or is it just another argument? So i don't think anybody really knows. As for me, i saw them a couple of months before they split so i'm not too bummed. Still a real shame though. But the cover of NME suggests it's permanent :(
So i shall blog soon hopefully. I think Bartholomew has died.
Monday, 7 September 2009
Neither me nor Bartholomew have blogged for ages. This is because we have lost the enthusiasm. But, to be honest, this is fair enough, because what's the point in writing a blog that like one person actually reads. And she only reads because we make her. But there is no satisfaction when you wrote a good post, but then no-one seems to read it. So please if you do read a post, and like it, write a comment saying it was good, just to let us know :)
So anyways. It's basically the end of the summer holidays. That really does suck. Back to bad, impatient and intolerable teachers. Back to chavy, rude and dumb kids. But worst of all, back to stupid, badly explained, difficult coursework. Yes i can hear you groaning in your seats. School sucks. Though we need to go to school, and though we need the skills it helps us acquire it still sucks. If wasn't for the fact your friends go with you, a revolution would have probably happened by now :P
But i am glad to say, that i had a really good summer holidays. I had the best holiday ever to New York. I had great times with my best friends. I even managed to broaden my music taste. Right now, i would probably say I'm enjoying the old stuff. But i just want to say thanks to my closest friends (You know who you are) For giving me a great summer :)
So New York. What a crazy city! Wait scratch that, What a crazy nation America is! Full of random surprises, lots of strange characters, and definitely full of those stereotypes. Oh, and might i just mention Baseball is amazing! Yeah as you can probably guess, we went to a baseball game! Yankees versus Texas Rangers. It was an amazing atmosphere, and also really crazy. Because i mean, where in the world do the ground staff randomly stop working and doing the YMCA dance with the whole crowd singing along? Amazing. Despite the fact Yankees lost, it was still Awesome. At the bottom of the ninth, it was 5-10 to the Rangers, and the Yankees manage to claw back to 9-10, but didn't quite make it. The tension however, was unbelievable.
So i hope all of you, well the few people who read this had great summers and if your reading this in Australia, i hope your going to have a great summer holiday when you have it.
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Tweedle-dum Tweedle-doo.
Did you know that 'Hello' is a binary opposite. These are two words, which if we did not have the other, we would not know what one means. For example; we wouldn't know what 'Yes' meant if we didn't know or have the word 'No'. This means they are binary opposites.
So. I didn't know what to write about, so i called this post 'Tweedle-dum Tweedle-doo', therefore it didn't have a particular topic. So i could just waffle on about anything random, like i am now :)
This will probably be the last post i write before i go on holiday. that's a shame, but i cannot wait until my holiday! I'm going to New York! How amazingly lucky! So what i'm most looking forward to when i get there is the food! All that sugar, and all those calories! I'm going to be in heaven!
I love food. And i eat so much crap, but i don't get any heavier. In fact, I'm really light compared to most of my friends, girls included. Even though i don't stop eating. Oh! I just thought of something! In New York they are going to have New York cheesecake! I love that cheese cake!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!
Sooo. You probably don't care about this, but I'll tell you any way. Right now I'm listening to The Maccabees. In particular 'Love you better'. The Maccabees are kind of my favourite band at the moment, not overall, here is a list, but it's not definite;
1.Oasis or The Kinks
2.Foals or Friendly Fires
3.Kings of Leon or Kasabian
4.Muse or The Maccabees or The Killers
See what i mean about it not being definite?
But alas, i must say goodbye. I hope you are enjoying your holidays and the summer sunshine. My next post won't probably won't be until September starts.
So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, adieu.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Some interesting facts,
So. I'm sort of running out of idea's about what to post within this blog. Sorry. This will probably have the consequence of the posts being infrequent. So i am sort of apologizing in advance.
Anyway, some interesting facts for you, straight from .
Interesting fact number one.
In the country of wales, there lies a village called: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
That's 58 letters. Pretty long, the longest single word domain in the world.
Interesting fact number two.
Some weird person managed to work out that men are actually SIX times more likely be struck by lightning then women. How strange. Probably because men are generally larger then women, still weird though. I feel scared now. Aha, but this doesn't count towards me, because I'm a small boy :)
Final interesting fact,
How cool is this? When a window or glass is smashed, usually by some stupid chav, the crack will move and spread at a rate of 3,000 mile per hour! That's faster than the speed of light. actually i don't know whether it is. Hmmm. Now i doubt the reliability of these facts.
Until next time.
Friends! =]
Just a quick post about friends. Straight forward. Simple. And honest.
Friend’s are those select people you cannot live without. They are people who you can trust, talk to, and share things with. Friend’s very rarely get in arguments and when they do, they should sort it out the same day.
If you would not consider someone to be any of the descriptions above, they are not your friend.
Best friends are those one or two people who you could trust with your life. You should also be able to tell them everything and nothing should be kept from them. If all of these do not fit, you’re not genuine best mates.
Basically, people should not be able to live without friends. Friends are amazing and they are needed.
Don’t have anyone you would class as a friend or best friend?
I’m sorry. But GET OUT MORE
They are needed for life. Some support does the world of good.
Bye =]
Monday, 10 August 2009
Random stuff.
Earlier my good friend Bartholomew wrote a post about fashion, and i'm not sure whether this post was accurate or not, as i know nothing about fashion. But my sister is doing a fashion journalism course at uni, and she mentioned she had a blog. And i find it quite interesting, as i do not know much about fashion, and her blog is fashion based.
So if you want to check it out, which i recommend you do here it is:
Hopefully you will enjoy reading it.
Anyways time for another rant i think.
So, private education. I disagree with it. I'm not saying that i wouldn't go to a private school if i had the chance, well if i had the chance at the beginning of secondary school, but i find private education very annoying. The educational system is completely biased towards people with a considerable amount of wealth! Anyone who has the money, has the chance to give their child an unfair advantage of a better start in life. Private schools have better facilities, better teachers, smaller classes which make them better and more money. Why is it that clever students who don't have as much money as others, have to go to a worse school, where their talent or intelligence may not be achieved, whereas it would be in a private school? To be honest, it makes me angry that this is allowed to happen.
Anyway, i shall not waffle on too much.
Au revoir.