Friday 31 July 2009

Mercutio's music.


It's Mercutio.

Today i thought i would talk about myself, rarther than a random topic i wish to rant about. So, i feel like talking about my music and the music i love.

So right now i love indie. I just love the style, the often poetic, yet erratic lyrics. It's just a style i feel my music taste fits right into to. So i love the 'Foals' and 'Friendly Fires'. Their music is just so energetic, catchy but not poppy, you can dance to it or just listen to it. Both of these bands are brilliant, and are leaping into the limelight, straight from the heart of the underground music scene. I would go as far to say they are two of my favourite bands.

So now a few other band's i am loving. I band i have only recently started liking are 'Maximo Park'. But despite only knowing them for a month or two, they have found their way straight into the heart of my playlist. They have three great album's, and their catchy, energetic beats and lyrics create some great tracks. My personal favourite songs would be 'Apply some pressure'. A great band, who are really under-rated.

And now for some older bands, that i think are pretty awesome. The clash. The mighty clash. This is an old, real rock'n'roll band. Thier music is fun, cool and old style. It's rock and roll at it's best. But a band i am truly in love with. The Kinks. Thier music is perfect. They cover rock, pop and all genre's. The lyrics are funny and witty, and make you feel happy. They are a band i am proud to say i love and so does my fellow kinks groupie. So some band's that aren't so popular that i believe you should check out;

Maximo Park
Friendly Fires
At The Drive-In
Biffy Clyro

I shall write more about these bands later some time. But i will leave with a divine list, the boasts talent and real music.

Goodbye fellow bloggers :)


Hello again, Bartholomew’s post for the day here.

Today I’d like to talk about fashion. Fashion is a bit of a weird thing. It sort of has lots of different things about it. Well to start. Fashion overall is pretty is, to be honest, pretty stupid. Basically, all it is, is some smart-arse thinking of something new and cool which hasn’t been tried before. Some amazing new style. For example, last winter, for guys, Skinny jeans, printed tops, cardigans, canvas shoes and beanie hats were the fashion. I mean. Not just the fashion. It was insane. It was like a new religion. They were everywhere. It’s like that Halifax advert when everyone looks the same, it was like that. You’d go into town and there would be another twenty people who would be wearing the same things.

However, of course, everyone obviously wants to look good, that’s inevitable. However, why not bring a few new ‘amazing styles’ out at a time? Then at least you don’t run up and hug someone who you think is your brother but is in fact just another victim of the trends!

And also, I’d like to say, how ridiculous it is, that before things come into fashion, there so cheap, but then some bright git on a ridiculous salary comes up with it with something else that makes it look really ‘cool’, then it suddenly costs the amount of the world. It’s just stupid. People shouldn’t have to empty their little piggy banks just to look good.

In addition, fashion also links to one of my earlier posts. Fashion makes you look good to IMPRESS GIRLS. Which is not needed. I think people should dress how they want without getting their head taken off! I think people need to chill out a little and stop being sheepish.

Also, things in your wardrobe which you would class ‘hideous’ which you probably would just chuck away if you found, might just come back into fashion again in another ten years! Who knows.

Anyway, enough of my nattering.

Happy reading

Bye, =]


Hey again.

Mercutio here, marvelling at the brilliance and pure genius of Oasis.

Today i just wanted to talk about my favourite band ever, Oasis. A couple of weeks ago, me, my sister, and my sister's friend went to see Oasis at wembley. This was my first proper gig, and i have to say it was one of the best nights of my life. The whole event was stunning. The music; Outstanding. The crowd; Crazy. The experience; Amazing.

So, we set off to see oasis on the sunday, around lunchtime. As we got into a busy and congested london, we realised that we were following a limo, whom were also going to see Oasis. And typically, they were a bunch of middle aged, larger lout, beer bellyed men. And every so often they would all run out to urinate agiants the side of the pavement. But they were drinking so much, that they had to do this severeal time's. It was very funny. They must have been drunk before they arrived at the stadium.

Anyway, after following the urinating limosuine to the stadium, we realised that we had missed the first support act, Reverend and the Makers. This was a shame, however, i wasn't too bothered, as i haven't heard any of thier music. But we managed to get there in time to see the second support act The Enemy. The Enemy are a band that i like very much, so to hear they were supporting Oasis it was great. The Enemy played a Awesome set list, featuring all the amazing sutff from thier album 'We'll live and die in these towns', and some of their impressive new stuff from the new album 'Music for the people'. So the Enemy were pretty great, But i think Kasabian were better.

Kasabian are another band i really like, so to have my favourtie band bieng supported by two bands i also really like was just amazing. Kasabian were full of energy, and they really got the crowd going. Their set was awesome, featuring all of their good stuff, plus all the Really good new tracks from 'West ryder pauper lunatic asylum'. Oh, by the way, i have to say that that name is pretty cool.

So after bieng treated to two awesome support act's, we finally realised that we were about to see Oasis. Oasis, a band that has changed british music and a band who are the icon's of generation's. The crowd were going crazy, beer bieng thrown about everywhere. People were standing on each other shoulder's, the atmosphere was just amazing. Then the screen's changed. Then, to a massive uproar from the crowd, me included, Liam Gallagher cockily strode out onto the stage, followed by Noel. Then they just wiped all memories we had of The Enemy and Kasabian, stunning the crowd with thier cocky charm. They played hit after hit, the mosh pit was going crazy, at this point i was covered in beer. They played an awesome setlist, that made that night, a night i will remeber forever. Their set was;
  1. Fuckin' In The Bushes
  2. Rock 'n' Roll Star
  3. Lyla
  4. The Shock Of The Lightning
  5. Roll With It
  6. Cigarettes & Alcohol
  7. To Be Where There's Life
  8. Waiting For The Rapture
  9. The Masterplan
  10. Songbird
  11. Slide Away
  12. Morning Glory
  13. My Big Mouth
  14. Half The World Away
  15. Whatever
  16. I'm Outta Time
  17. Wonderwall
  18. Supersonic
  19. Live Forever
  20. Encore:
  21. Don't Look Back In Anger
  22. Falling Down
  23. Champagne Supernova
  24. I Am The Walrus
My god, was it a marvellous and spellbinding performance that night. Every song had the crowd jumping and drunkenly singing along. My personal favourite's were Wonderwall, always a crowd winner, Champagne supernova, Live forever and the Fantastic, Classic, Outstanding 'Don't look back in anger'.

It was a stunning set, and a night that will be remembered be every single person who went.
Pure Brilliance from Oasis.

Thanks for reading :)

Thursday 30 July 2009

A more....balanced football view.


This is Mercutio sharing his views to who ever wish to read them.

Despite my attempt's to get Barthomolew to Not write about so many topics on the same night so that we won't run out of topic's and then just give up, Bartholomew insist's on posting another post on the same night.

Anyway, Bartholomew has written about football. His view's....are unexpected. I agree with part of his views, and highly disagree with the other part. He has displayed some highly stereotypical views.

I think that where he has said 'pretty much all of the people who are seriously into football are CHAV’S' is outrageous. This a very stereotypical view. It's also wrong. I agree a large proportion of football fan's are chav's, however a lot of football follower's are normal people. When i occasionally go to a football game, i see chav's but i also see plenty of normal people who like football. So to say pretty much all people who are into football is an outrageous thing to say. It's like me saying 'All people who are into golf are rich posh nobs'. Not true, and stereotypical.

But i highly agree on what he has said about the finance's involved in football. Ridiculously large amount's of money are spent within football. A couple of week's ago Cristiano ronaldo was sold for £80,000,000. That could buy a country within poverty, such as Kenya or Angola 8,000,000 water pumps. That's an absurd amount of money. I think it's a crime that a footballer can be sold for Eighty million pounds, yet a country is allowed to live in such a state that children die every couple of second's. It makes a mockery of the constitution of human right's.

Now i am off to ze land off nod, so sweet dreams everybody.



Hey, Bartholomew here.

I’d just like to add a post about sports. Football in particular. What I’d like to start with, is a question. That is ‘Why do people find football so amazing?’ Personally, I really don’t understand. I think it’s a boring sport to watch, and it’s only a decent sport to play if your down the park with your mates having a knock around. So why is it the craze?!

Also, what I don’t understand is why people take football so seriously. I mean. It’s a game. And besides. When people play it at our age anyway, it’s generally not serious anyway. Like at school for example, in P.E if we’re doing football and we have a quick match at the end of the lesson, there will always be that one complete *rse who will have a right go at you for kicking the freaking ball to the wrong person. I think it’s insane.

Also, I don’t know if it occurred to anyone else, but pretty much all of the people who are seriously into football our age are CHAV’S. That word << is the most hated word on this blog and it should NEVER be used. And I reckon, this is why football causes so much violence. It’s stupid right. There are so many fights and brawls because of football. And you know why? Because half of the people who care about football are CH*V’s.

And finally and most importantly, I have to mention the money. There are thousands of people in the world who live in poverty. Every day they have to walk miles to get clean water, and ten pounds can create a new water pump in a deprived community in somewhere like Africa for example. But no. Selfish people who take clean water for granted have to waste money of stupid pointless sports. If one day someone turned the tap on and dirty water came out and they had to walk miles to get clean water, what would they think? They would think its insane wouldn’t they. Well that’s what people in Africa LIVE WITH. So why waste millions of pounds on someone who can kick a ball well when a million pound could save hundreds of peoples lives?!? Seriously, someone please answer this because personally, I do not understand.

I hope your enjoying the blog so far and thanks for reading. Please be honest in any comments made.
Bye =]

Bartholomew's views on racism.

Hello again followers.

Yet another aimless yet annoying subject to talk about. Oh well. This is the third one so you must be getting used to it by now.

Basically, what I want to talk about is how the Asian’s can call us ‘White boys or Gora’s’ or anything apart from our names and we do nothing. Everyone just laughs. Well it’s been three full years of it now and people are starting to get tired of it.

However, that’s not the worst of it. Personally, I don’t mind being called ‘Gora’ or ‘White Boy’ normally as long as it’s not in an aggressive way. But, the thing that gets right on my tits is how the second we call one of them ‘Paki’s’ or some kind of offensive name, they get all defensive and they won’t take it.

Well I’m sick of it. But half of the reason nothing gets done about it is because teachers don’t know what it means! I mean, teachers are supposed to be intelligent, and they must have heard the word ‘Gora’ enough times and in the right context to work out what it means. But no. Nothing gets done does it. Because their fat. FAT I TELL YOU!!!!

And also, this isn’t so bad, but sometimes when some of the Asian’s get told off, they say it’s because they’re not white. I’m sorry. That’s just stupid. However, it’s quite funny to see the teacher’s response to it. Yeah that’s the end of my nag.

However, do not get the wrong impression from this post. I am totally AGAINST racism and I think it is wrong and it should not be tollerated.
Byee, =]

Mercutio's view's on teenage romance's


Now we have just created this blog. And already, we have two follower's! And i know that's only two people out of over six billion people that live within our world, however, it still feels good to know that you have people who follow your blog. Even if it is just two people. So thank you those two people who follow our new, freshly created blog. :)

Anyway, back to the purpose of this post. So as you can see in the lengthy post below this one, the lovely Bartholomew has aired his views on teenager's and their romance's. I agree with part's of that and disagree with other part's. So i have decided to post my views on the same topic. And also, as you may or may not know, most probably the latter, Bartholomew is in a great relationship with someone. So this means his views could be biased. So i shall offer my views, as i am single.

Yes teenage boy's do worry about girl's. Although i believe these worries to be unnecessary, i do believe they are a inevitable part of teenage life. Every boy will like a girl or boy, then worry about whether that person likes them. It's human nature. You can't change that.

And i agree with my good friend Bartholomew when he says 'It seems insain that guys would go to the extremes to impress a girl, when were only teenagers and the chances are, relationships wont last that long anyway!'. Boys shouldn't try too hard to impress girl's. They should stay true to them selves's, not change to try and impress girl's so that the girl will like them. Because if you change your personality so that a girl likes you, then surely then don't like you for who you truly are?

My friend also said that we are just teenager's. I agree with this. This means that we really shouldn't worry so much. It doesn't really matter so much if the girl or boy you like doesn't like you. If they don't like you for who you are then they do not deserve your love. We are young. This is the time where we learn and grow into who we really are. So don't worry. Live care free and happily, whilst you still can.

So enjoy the blog, check for new posts, and live happily :)

Bartholomew's views on teenage romance's :)

Hello again.

Bartholomew here.

Im sorry everyone. But this has to be said.

Now were all teenagers right. And 'Hormones are racing everywhere' as the old gits would say. Well everyone has different opinions on this subject.

This blog is mainly for the guys, but because girls are nosey buggers, they will probably end up reading it too.

I know it seems stupid, but all guys our age seem to be talking about is girls. Girls come into every conversation. This is a very hypocritical blog for me to write to be honest, but I still need to talk about it. I don't know if girls are the same about guys but it seems girls are at the forefront of every teenage boys mind at the moment. In fact, I can't think of a single guy at the moment who isn't slightly bothered by girls.

It seems insain that guys would go to the extremes to impress a girl, when were only teenagers and the chances are, relationships wont last that long anyway! Don't take this the wrong way. I'm not against girlfriends at all, but I think it's wierd that how every single guy thinks about how they could get a girlfriend, while every guy with a girlfriend is thinking about their own love life.

But I do see why guys want girlfriends. Aswell as it make them look good, it is very nice to have someone who you can trust and care for. But I think guys struggle getting girlfriends sometimes. In my opinion, this is because girls are too damned fussy! I mean, if someone really likes you and you can't think of any good reason not to go out with them, then why not? Who knows. You might end up in the best relationship you will ever be in. Also, its not going to be the end of the world if you get dumped because we are T-E-E-N-A-G-E-R-S.

In addition, what really annoys me about people, is how they are so nervous about telling someone about their feelings for them. There is no chance someone is going to get into a relationship by not telling the person they like what they think about them. And if you get told to get lost, who cares! Refering to the earier comment. Were T-E-E-N-A-G-E-R-S. So for your own sake, be honest about your feelings about someone, who knows how it might turn out.

One last thing, it annoys me how much attractive girls use their looks in a WRONG way. I don't think it matters how someone LOOKS, i think it should be their personality which counts. Obviously someone doesn't want to go out with an ape, but still, looks shouldn't matter as much so just be more open-hearted and stop going for people because of their looks because you will loose all of your decent friends and you will be left with all the fake, attractive girls who don't give a damn about personality.

Thanks for reading.

Bye, =]

Hmmm. First blog :)


My name is....well.....Mercutio ;)
This is the first ever time i've written a blog. So i don't really know what to write. But i shall start off by writing a bit about myself. I'm a teenager. I'm ginger. I like music. My favourite sport is hockey. And i love my friends. That's all you really need to know for now.

So it's the summer holidays. After months of waiting, dreaming of the summer holidays, we have no idea's of what to do! The summer holidays have probably been the only thing keeping us going through school. So to have no idea's what so ever to do, be honest, it sucks! Because we are trying not to spend lots of money. But that leaves us with a problem; what is there we can do that uses little money but provides lots of fun, or entertainment? We only really ever go to the park, to the common, or into town. So we are becoming quite bored. Oh by the way, just in case it sounds like it, we are NOT chav's. 'We' bieng me and my friends.

I hate chav's. I mean, what do they add to this world? Violence, Drunkeness, Teenage pregnancy's? So nothing. Chav's are what make are street's unsafe. They make people feel uncomfortable in their own street's, their own neighbour hoods, their homes. They hang around on street corner's. They stare at people until that person look's back at them, then they mouth off 'Wot da **** are u lookin at mate?' They actually specifically go out and look for trouble. It doesn't matter who it is, what age they are or what state they are in. Chav's are like vultures. They prey on people, don't mind who they are, whether they are ten or eighty, they will be violent and abusive towards innocent victims of our public.

I will leave you with that thought.

Byee :)

Hello there fellow readers =]

I hope you approved of my Collegues views above. Well my name is Bartholomew and Mercutio is a jolly good chap. Similarly to Mercutio, this is also my first time blogging so its bound to be pretty boring stuff may i say. I shall start my own section of the blog by talking about myself. Doesn't everyone enjoy talking about themself? Well. To start with. Im almost in my mid-teens and im currently enjoying life! I play golf alot and I play piano. I have many rather amazing friend-lings who I would trust my life with and I very much enjoy being out with them and just doing anything we wish. However, things do get rather repetitive and get very boring after a while.

Mercutio's post above has mentioned Summer and all the excitement about it so In this post I will start talking about winter. Alhough summer is very good fun, and gives lots of things to do, I do also very much like the Winter. I think its the most amazing time of year when everyone is happy and everything is very romantic. Everyone seems jolly and its just generally a very nice time of year. Regardless of the weather, people seem to have so much fun around eachother and everyone is in a good mood. However, the weather in winter isn't much different to the summer sometimes, but people in Southampton must be used to that. Now i've mentioned winter and its feeling, i must mention it's music. I mean. Christmas music is simply amazing. Really. Its just happy and gets everyone in a good mood. Christmas time is also a very good time for parties and holidays.

On the subject of holidays, were only a week or so into the summer holidays. I don't know how other people feel about it, but it annoys me how everyone has to go away on different days. It's impossiable to have a party or do something really good with all of your friends when half of them are away. However, Summer is a very good time of year for camping and camping can be rather enjoyable at times. I have met some rather amazing friends through camping.

Thats enough aimless nattering for me for one day then i think.

However you've not got rid of me for long. I vill be back.

Byee =]