Thursday 30 July 2009

A more....balanced football view.


This is Mercutio sharing his views to who ever wish to read them.

Despite my attempt's to get Barthomolew to Not write about so many topics on the same night so that we won't run out of topic's and then just give up, Bartholomew insist's on posting another post on the same night.

Anyway, Bartholomew has written about football. His view's....are unexpected. I agree with part of his views, and highly disagree with the other part. He has displayed some highly stereotypical views.

I think that where he has said 'pretty much all of the people who are seriously into football are CHAV’S' is outrageous. This a very stereotypical view. It's also wrong. I agree a large proportion of football fan's are chav's, however a lot of football follower's are normal people. When i occasionally go to a football game, i see chav's but i also see plenty of normal people who like football. So to say pretty much all people who are into football is an outrageous thing to say. It's like me saying 'All people who are into golf are rich posh nobs'. Not true, and stereotypical.

But i highly agree on what he has said about the finance's involved in football. Ridiculously large amount's of money are spent within football. A couple of week's ago Cristiano ronaldo was sold for £80,000,000. That could buy a country within poverty, such as Kenya or Angola 8,000,000 water pumps. That's an absurd amount of money. I think it's a crime that a footballer can be sold for Eighty million pounds, yet a country is allowed to live in such a state that children die every couple of second's. It makes a mockery of the constitution of human right's.

Now i am off to ze land off nod, so sweet dreams everybody.


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