Friday 31 July 2009


Hey again.

Mercutio here, marvelling at the brilliance and pure genius of Oasis.

Today i just wanted to talk about my favourite band ever, Oasis. A couple of weeks ago, me, my sister, and my sister's friend went to see Oasis at wembley. This was my first proper gig, and i have to say it was one of the best nights of my life. The whole event was stunning. The music; Outstanding. The crowd; Crazy. The experience; Amazing.

So, we set off to see oasis on the sunday, around lunchtime. As we got into a busy and congested london, we realised that we were following a limo, whom were also going to see Oasis. And typically, they were a bunch of middle aged, larger lout, beer bellyed men. And every so often they would all run out to urinate agiants the side of the pavement. But they were drinking so much, that they had to do this severeal time's. It was very funny. They must have been drunk before they arrived at the stadium.

Anyway, after following the urinating limosuine to the stadium, we realised that we had missed the first support act, Reverend and the Makers. This was a shame, however, i wasn't too bothered, as i haven't heard any of thier music. But we managed to get there in time to see the second support act The Enemy. The Enemy are a band that i like very much, so to hear they were supporting Oasis it was great. The Enemy played a Awesome set list, featuring all the amazing sutff from thier album 'We'll live and die in these towns', and some of their impressive new stuff from the new album 'Music for the people'. So the Enemy were pretty great, But i think Kasabian were better.

Kasabian are another band i really like, so to have my favourtie band bieng supported by two bands i also really like was just amazing. Kasabian were full of energy, and they really got the crowd going. Their set was awesome, featuring all of their good stuff, plus all the Really good new tracks from 'West ryder pauper lunatic asylum'. Oh, by the way, i have to say that that name is pretty cool.

So after bieng treated to two awesome support act's, we finally realised that we were about to see Oasis. Oasis, a band that has changed british music and a band who are the icon's of generation's. The crowd were going crazy, beer bieng thrown about everywhere. People were standing on each other shoulder's, the atmosphere was just amazing. Then the screen's changed. Then, to a massive uproar from the crowd, me included, Liam Gallagher cockily strode out onto the stage, followed by Noel. Then they just wiped all memories we had of The Enemy and Kasabian, stunning the crowd with thier cocky charm. They played hit after hit, the mosh pit was going crazy, at this point i was covered in beer. They played an awesome setlist, that made that night, a night i will remeber forever. Their set was;
  1. Fuckin' In The Bushes
  2. Rock 'n' Roll Star
  3. Lyla
  4. The Shock Of The Lightning
  5. Roll With It
  6. Cigarettes & Alcohol
  7. To Be Where There's Life
  8. Waiting For The Rapture
  9. The Masterplan
  10. Songbird
  11. Slide Away
  12. Morning Glory
  13. My Big Mouth
  14. Half The World Away
  15. Whatever
  16. I'm Outta Time
  17. Wonderwall
  18. Supersonic
  19. Live Forever
  20. Encore:
  21. Don't Look Back In Anger
  22. Falling Down
  23. Champagne Supernova
  24. I Am The Walrus
My god, was it a marvellous and spellbinding performance that night. Every song had the crowd jumping and drunkenly singing along. My personal favourite's were Wonderwall, always a crowd winner, Champagne supernova, Live forever and the Fantastic, Classic, Outstanding 'Don't look back in anger'.

It was a stunning set, and a night that will be remembered be every single person who went.
Pure Brilliance from Oasis.

Thanks for reading :)

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