Thursday 30 July 2009

Hmmm. First blog :)


My name is....well.....Mercutio ;)
This is the first ever time i've written a blog. So i don't really know what to write. But i shall start off by writing a bit about myself. I'm a teenager. I'm ginger. I like music. My favourite sport is hockey. And i love my friends. That's all you really need to know for now.

So it's the summer holidays. After months of waiting, dreaming of the summer holidays, we have no idea's of what to do! The summer holidays have probably been the only thing keeping us going through school. So to have no idea's what so ever to do, be honest, it sucks! Because we are trying not to spend lots of money. But that leaves us with a problem; what is there we can do that uses little money but provides lots of fun, or entertainment? We only really ever go to the park, to the common, or into town. So we are becoming quite bored. Oh by the way, just in case it sounds like it, we are NOT chav's. 'We' bieng me and my friends.

I hate chav's. I mean, what do they add to this world? Violence, Drunkeness, Teenage pregnancy's? So nothing. Chav's are what make are street's unsafe. They make people feel uncomfortable in their own street's, their own neighbour hoods, their homes. They hang around on street corner's. They stare at people until that person look's back at them, then they mouth off 'Wot da **** are u lookin at mate?' They actually specifically go out and look for trouble. It doesn't matter who it is, what age they are or what state they are in. Chav's are like vultures. They prey on people, don't mind who they are, whether they are ten or eighty, they will be violent and abusive towards innocent victims of our public.

I will leave you with that thought.

Byee :)

Hello there fellow readers =]

I hope you approved of my Collegues views above. Well my name is Bartholomew and Mercutio is a jolly good chap. Similarly to Mercutio, this is also my first time blogging so its bound to be pretty boring stuff may i say. I shall start my own section of the blog by talking about myself. Doesn't everyone enjoy talking about themself? Well. To start with. Im almost in my mid-teens and im currently enjoying life! I play golf alot and I play piano. I have many rather amazing friend-lings who I would trust my life with and I very much enjoy being out with them and just doing anything we wish. However, things do get rather repetitive and get very boring after a while.

Mercutio's post above has mentioned Summer and all the excitement about it so In this post I will start talking about winter. Alhough summer is very good fun, and gives lots of things to do, I do also very much like the Winter. I think its the most amazing time of year when everyone is happy and everything is very romantic. Everyone seems jolly and its just generally a very nice time of year. Regardless of the weather, people seem to have so much fun around eachother and everyone is in a good mood. However, the weather in winter isn't much different to the summer sometimes, but people in Southampton must be used to that. Now i've mentioned winter and its feeling, i must mention it's music. I mean. Christmas music is simply amazing. Really. Its just happy and gets everyone in a good mood. Christmas time is also a very good time for parties and holidays.

On the subject of holidays, were only a week or so into the summer holidays. I don't know how other people feel about it, but it annoys me how everyone has to go away on different days. It's impossiable to have a party or do something really good with all of your friends when half of them are away. However, Summer is a very good time of year for camping and camping can be rather enjoyable at times. I have met some rather amazing friends through camping.

Thats enough aimless nattering for me for one day then i think.

However you've not got rid of me for long. I vill be back.

Byee =]

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