Thursday 30 July 2009

Mercutio's view's on teenage romance's


Now we have just created this blog. And already, we have two follower's! And i know that's only two people out of over six billion people that live within our world, however, it still feels good to know that you have people who follow your blog. Even if it is just two people. So thank you those two people who follow our new, freshly created blog. :)

Anyway, back to the purpose of this post. So as you can see in the lengthy post below this one, the lovely Bartholomew has aired his views on teenager's and their romance's. I agree with part's of that and disagree with other part's. So i have decided to post my views on the same topic. And also, as you may or may not know, most probably the latter, Bartholomew is in a great relationship with someone. So this means his views could be biased. So i shall offer my views, as i am single.

Yes teenage boy's do worry about girl's. Although i believe these worries to be unnecessary, i do believe they are a inevitable part of teenage life. Every boy will like a girl or boy, then worry about whether that person likes them. It's human nature. You can't change that.

And i agree with my good friend Bartholomew when he says 'It seems insain that guys would go to the extremes to impress a girl, when were only teenagers and the chances are, relationships wont last that long anyway!'. Boys shouldn't try too hard to impress girl's. They should stay true to them selves's, not change to try and impress girl's so that the girl will like them. Because if you change your personality so that a girl likes you, then surely then don't like you for who you truly are?

My friend also said that we are just teenager's. I agree with this. This means that we really shouldn't worry so much. It doesn't really matter so much if the girl or boy you like doesn't like you. If they don't like you for who you are then they do not deserve your love. We are young. This is the time where we learn and grow into who we really are. So don't worry. Live care free and happily, whilst you still can.

So enjoy the blog, check for new posts, and live happily :)

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